Price, Competition, quality, and quantity
(I know you said 2 but just in case I gave 4)
Answer: mi español no es el mejor, pero no demando mentalmente porque no es su culpa que alguien aún no haya respondido tu pregunta. Espero que encuentres la ayuda que necesitas.
The appropriate response is social media. This gathering has been assigned a psychological oppressor association by the United Nations and numerous individual nations. ISIL is broadly known for its recordings of decapitations of the two warriors and regular folks, including columnists and help specialists, and its decimation of social legacy destinations. The United Nations considers ISIL in charge of human rights misuse and atrocities and Amnesty International has accused the gathering of ethnic purifying on a "notable scale" in northern Iraq.
Private individual
A civil case usually begins when one person or business (called the "plaintiff") claims to have been harmed by the actions of another person or business (called the "defendant"). The plaintiff starts a court case by filing a "complaint" (a document that outlines the plaintiff’s facts and legal theories and makes a request for relief).
The therapy differs from talking to a friend or family member because the psychoanalyst is a professional and does not know anything about the person who is doing the consultation. This allows the therapist not to make value judgments about the problem taken to the session and also allows the person to freely express the concerns, fears, ways of thinking and everything that can not be told to a family member or friend. In therapy, the person finds himself, responds to himself and tries to associate everything he says, everything he thinks and everything he talks about.