This kind of resistance from the product leaders is an example of resistance due to breaking routines. Furthermore, there are more types of resistance to change in an organization's culture & structure.
Here is the list of types of resistance to change in an organization’s culture and structure:
• Fear of Failure
Intimidating cultural and structural alterations on the employee can make them doubt their competences. This self-doubt decreases self-confidence and weakens personal development and growth. The workers may resist such alterations without bearing in mind the potential profits of the proposed alterations, as a consequence. The low output might be understood before the workers finally learn and adjust to life with the alterations.
• Loss of Status
Cultural and structural alterations that intimidate to change dominant positions or remove jobs commonly cause strong resistance. Restructuring and reorganization of corporate may include managerial jobs elimination. Middle managers will oppose restructuring and any other agenda that decreases their power and the status they already possess in the organization.
• Non-Reinforcing Reward System
People resist when they do not predict positive prizes for altering their work routines. Workers presume a positive development in their work to voluntarily accept the alteration. A worker is unlikely to help an alteration that is recognized as longer work hours and enlarged pressure to perform.
• Incongruent Group Dynamics
Groups grow and apply conformity to a series of norms that lead the members' behavior. However, conformity to prevailing group norms may deject workers from receiving organizational change. Group norms that disagree with the desired changes need alteration, while the cultural and structural norms that succeed to enhance the organization need promotion.
• Breaking Routines
Individuals are creatures of habit and see it difficult to abort behavioral customs that the organization think through no longer suitable. They prefer comfort zones by remaining routine role patterns. Hence, people oppose cultural and structural changes that push them out of their comfort zones and need devoting more energy and time acquiring new role patterns.
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KEYWORDS : Resistance to change, organization’s culture and structure
Subject : Business
Class : 10-12
Sub-Chapter : Organizational Behavior