External cost
External cost is a cost that is gotten from any economic transaction, in which the person or entity bearing the cost is not directly involved in. They are also known as spill over costs. The offensive odor in the question has generated an external cost at different locations from the site, the cost of rent differs. External costs usually have negative effects, from our question we can see that the odor from the landfill site must be intolerable for people residing in the area.
contra-assets account.
Credit balance
balance sheet
permanent account.
The allwoance is an account used to adjust accounts receivable to a net value therefore, it is used as contra-asset (to adjust an asset)
Therefore, as assets normal balance is debit a contra-assets in order to adjsut will use credit balance.
<em>Notice:</em> contra-assets decrease the net value of the assets They never increase it. If the princip0al asset increase then, the accounting would use the main asset account, not the contra-asset
Lastly, as it adjsut an asset it will be find in the balnce sheet or in the note to the balance sheet to disclosure the procedure to arrive to net accounts receivables
As it is find in the balance sheet is a permanent account His balance passes through the acouting cycles
Correct option is C.
Step wise solution is given below for demonstration.
The equation for problem above is:
But the question is "at <span>least" $800.50 so the final answer is
The pdca cycle is a powerful approach for problem solving as it provides the foundation for teams to figure out ways to change and implement new ideas within their group setting and project or business. The PDCA stands for plan-do-check-act. In the planning stage your team will plan by determining what the problem is and what ways to fix it. In the do stage, your team will act on the ways you can solve the problem. In the check stage you are looking to check your work and see what worked and what needs to be changed. The final stage is the act stage which if you find solutions that work, implement them moving forward.