HTTP means Hyper Text Transfer Protocol underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web(www).
usa is the server name which is used address in the DNS record
.gov is the Domain names which are used to identify more then one IP addresses
Agencies/federal.shtml a directory is a collection of file resources also called the resource ID.
I don'r know what your trying to use? GIMP is a free photo editing software just upload it to photobucket.
Check Explanation.
Immediately there is a connection between your laptop and the wireless hotspot, data will be transferred via the Physical layer that will be used for encoding of the network and the modulation of the network and that layer is called the OSI MODEL.
Another Important layer is the APPLICATION LAYER in which its main aim and objectives is for support that is to say it is used in software supporting.
The next layer is the PRESENTATION LAYER which is used during the process of sending the e-mail. This layer is a very important layer because it helps to back up your data and it is also been used to make connections of sessions between servers of different computers
The correct answer is ASK which denotes Amplitude Shift Keying. This is essentially a type of amplitude modulation which represents the binary data that comes varied forms right in the amplitude of a signal.
Now the reason why It is the most susceptible technique to noise is due to the fact that between frequency, phase & amplitude, amplitude is the one that is most susceptible to being affected by noise when compared to the other two.
An array.
An array can be defined as a structure that organizes data in a list that is commonly 1-dimensional or 2-dimensional.
Simply stated, an array refers to a set of memory locations (data structure) that comprises of a group of elements with each memory location sharing the same name. Therefore, the elements contained in array are all of the same data type e.g strings or integers.
Basically, in computer programming, arrays are typically used by software developers to organize data, in order to search or sort them.
Binary search is an efficient algorithm used to find an item from a sorted list of items by using the run-time complexity of Ο(log n), where n is total number of elements. Binary search applies the principles of divide and conquer.
In order to do a binary search on an array, the array must first be sorted in an ascending order.
Hence, array elements are mainly stored in contiguous memory locations on computer.