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Which sentences? I don't understand
An apostrophe is used when you want to do one of the following: show possession, when changing a single noun to its plural form and when you are using contractions, or contracted words, like it and is. In this particular case, we have two cases in which we need to use apostrophes. The first is the use of the last name of two subjects. This last name is, in its singular form, Smith, but because we are talking about more than one (plural), we need to change the singular word into its plural form. To do this, we add the apostrophe after the H and add an s. This shows the plural form. Also, we have a contracted word, it and is. The correct way to show the contraction is by using an apostrophe between the original word (it) and to signify the presence of is adjoined to it, we add an apostrophe and we add the "s" after it. This is why the correct answer is A.
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