The most appropriate and correct answer is A !
the answer you are looking for is activist.
Cognitive dissonance
In psychology, the term cognitive dissonance refers to the <u>stress that a person experiences when he/she faces contradictory beliefs, ideas or values or when he/she has to act in a way that is contrary to these beliefs, ideas or values.</u>
In this example Goran was about to award the job to the lowest bidder but then his boss demanded he awards the job to a friend of hers from college (the highest bidder). Thus, he feels torn between his sense of fairness and his boss' demand. We can see that <u>Goran is facing contradictory values and he is being asked to act in a way that is contrary to his sense of fairness.</u> Therefore, he is experiencing Cognitive dissonance.
Answer:The McDonaldization of Society
Explanation:The McDonaldization of Society (Ritzer 1993) refers to how fast the fast food market is increasing and building common social institutions. This model involves predictability, calculability, efficiency, and control. In every grocery store we find goods appropriately packed and sliced cheese and meat , ready for the go, this is apart of efficiency of this model. The grocery stores also have the same goods and brands and almost all the same price, this is predictability part of this model.
All vegatables and fruits can be put on a scale in each stores so that one can price their own goods , this is calculability.
So we can see that every part of the market is adopting almost the similar sequence of the product they sell, the reason why you may go to another country and find exactly similar shops because of this uniformity that has been created in the market.
Cultivation theory examines the long-term effects of television.
The primary proposition of cultivation theory states that the more time people spend 'living' in the television world, the more likely they are to believe social reality aligns with reality portrayed on television. That means the reproduction of the same stereotypes that were find before in less channels began to grow to a point in which a person could easily surround him/herself in that reality.