The market price of the security is $31.81
In order to calculate the market price of the security if its correlation coefficient with the market portfolio doubles we would have to calculate first the following:
First, calculate the dividend expected after one year with the following formula:
Next, we would have to calculate the beta of the security using the CAAPM Equation:
βi= E(ri)-rf/E(rm)-rf
Next, we have to calculate the new beta due to the change in the correlation coefficient with the following formula:
β=correlation coefficient/σm*σs
Next, Calculate the new expected return as follows:
Finally we calculate the new piece of the security as follows:
The market price of the security is $31.81
The balance of account receivable for year 2 is increase from the balance of year 1.
The balance of account receivable for year 2 is increase from the balance of year 1. This means the thee are more credit sales and less receipts from the customers in year 2 as compared to Year 1. Credit sales increases the account receivable balance but it should be settlement in the form of receipts from the customers.
$3.20 per unit
In this question, we have to compare the cost between two cases
In the first case, the total cost per unit would be
= Direct materials per unit + direct labor per unit + overhead cost per unit
= $11 + $25 + $17
= $53
In the first case, the total cost per unit would be
= Purchase price + overhead cost
= $48.55 + $17 × 45%
= $48.55 + $7.65
= $56.20
So, the difference would be
= $56.20 - $53
= $3.20 per unit
A. Take regular EBS snapshots .
- is incorrect. It lacks durability of EBS volumes.
- is incorrect. ECT Instance stores are not durable.
- is incorrect. Mirroring across EBS volumes is pargely inefficient.
-Since EBS snapshots only saves snapshots of the most recent device changes, a great deal of time and memory is saved. Also, only data unique to any particular snapshot is removed in cases of deletion.
B) False
Under the cost benefit analysis a statement is prepared in order to compute the financial aspects of the transaction.
This clearly provides for the estimate to be made towards all the transactions.
But there is a problem in such analysis that exact estimate or even nearby estimate in terms of amount is not feasible to be computed of benefits and cost as well.
And significantly all the benefits can not be traced monetarily.