There never seems to be enough hours in the day
Grains is a rich source of protein
d. contains secretions from three different accessory glands
The semen is not only made up of sperm. It also consists of secretions coming from three accessory glands: <u>seminal vesicles, prostate gland and bulbourethral gland.</u>
The seminal vesicles secrete<em> proteins, citric acid, sugar, etc</em>. and this accounts for<u><em> 2/3 volume of the semen</em></u>. It has a white color that has a tinge of brown.
The prostate glad, on the other hand, secretes a fluid that accounts for <u><em>1/3 volume of the semen.</em></u> This contains the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) that thins the semen.
The bulbourethral gland is also known as<em> "Cowper's gland." </em>This produces a secretion that ensures the sperm's motility.
Goals setting
Helping athletes
Building a psychological and social environment conducive to achieving team goals
Instill values
Motivate teams to pursue goals set.
Resolve conflict amicably
When a coach does all these, results are sure.