We have to answer if the response choices to this question are:
a) Open-ended
b) Scale
c) Contingent
d) Fixed
And the correct answer is:
b) Scale
The response choices are of scale-type because they represent a gradient (or a scale).
They are meant to express the level of unsafety that the elderly experience in their neighborhood, and go, from the highest point the scale (a great deal), to the lowest point in the scale (none), with two options in the middle acting acting as a bridge between the two extremes (Some, Not too much).
Actual self
Actual self also called a self-discrepancy theory was given by Tory Higgins in 1987. It is the a cognitive structure of a person such as a schema and representation contain all the qualities or vice and virtue that a person believes that all are self-descriptive. This self-discrepancy does not an issue for a person self but it is the issue for another person.
For example, if I am very punctual about my work then it is the attributes about myself that I am a punctual person and even my colleague also describes it for me that I already knew it called is my self actual.
This is self-describing attributes about a person about own-self and the person is aware of is regardless of that this evaluation is done by self or by other persons.