A banking panic or a bank panic is a financial crisis that occurs when many banks suffer runs at the same time, as people suddenly try to convert their threatened deposits into cash or try to get out of their domestic banking system together.
Market performance in the United States is tracked using stock <u>indexes</u>,
which use formulas to calculate price changes.
Stock indices are in itself independent financial or stock markets which also provide a measure of the financial or stock market based on various individual stocks. The USA follows the major stock indices like the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), S&P 500, and Nasdaq Composite.
All these are either market (S&P 500) or price-weighted (DJIA). Stock indices are calculated based on the per-share price of the stocks of a company.
Any changes in the price(change from previous closing price value of the share) of a company’s share is watched closely by the investors and compared with the current price.
Answer:C) Conflict Theorists
Explanation:According to conflict theorists society is in a constant conflict because of the competition for limited resources. Social stratification has resulted into a state where those with power and wealth reign over those who are powerless and poor.
The rich keeping getting what they want and taking everything for themselves whilst the poor are restricted and controlled by the rich. The rich make the rules which supresses the poor.
The rich get better Educational opportunities whilst the poor can't afford such opportunities.
Malaysia was not located in the new world