First find a common denominator so you can compare them easier. I chose 12. Multiply the numerator and denominator by the number that makes the denominator 12. 2/3 is multiplied by 4 and 2/4 is multiplied by 3. You are left with 8/12 and 6/12. 8/12 is bigger so it looks like
Hope this helps!
36x 2/3= 24 so u would have to use 24lbs of beef
Equation that represents therelationship between the nmber of weeks and total amount of money marcus will have saved is
Y= 5x+42
-5x +y =42
He currently has $42 with planning to save $5 each week. So, $5 per week is the slope and $42 is the y intercept.
Step-by-step explanation:
because self is yourself and esteem his how highly you think so how highly you think about your self
36% is the answer to the question