The 20th century is marked to be the era of inventions and there was progress in every walks of life. Many inventions have made our life to be more easy and comfortable. Most of the inventions today have become obsolete but they were remembered for the convenience it rendered during such harsh times of early nineteenth century. Examples of obsolete inventions like typewriters, ether ice machines which serves to be the model for the modern refrigerators, Humphrey Davy who invented electric lamp.
After the second industrial revolution there were too many inventions like invention of the first revolver, sewing machine, battery, safety pin, steam powered locomotives. Steam locomotives by George Stephenson, changed the way of life which led to commercialization and emergence of huge factories. Transportation was made feasible during the late eighteenth century. Invention of Radio is considered to be the top most of all inventions. Although it was not invented by a single person but a group scientists have contributed for its discovery. In modern world, the invention of television is also revolutionary.
It was invented by John Logie Baird in 1926. during the twentieth century, the greatest marvel of discovery was made by inventing computers but the model of which is invented in olden times by Charles Babbage. The invention of cell phones By Doctor Martin Cooper in 1977 made communications to be faster and people are connected from different parts of the world through cell phones and computers. Nearly half of the world holds a cell phone toady.
geography influences the development of its society and culture in many ways.
Food Aboard Ships Was Dry and Often Filled With Maggots
Staples included dried and salted anchovies and cod, pickled or salted beef and pork, dried grains like chickpeas, lentils and beans, and, of course, hardtack biscuits
Las transiciones a la democracia se consideran con mayor frecuencia el resultado de procesos históricos de modernización. Los cambios socioeconómicos, como el aumento del PNB per cápita, los niveles de educación, la urbanización y las comunicaciones, se han encontrado tradicionalmente como correlatos o "requisitos" de la reforma democrática. Sin embargo, los tiempos de transición y el número de pasos de reforma no se han estudiado de manera exhaustiva.
Una democracia es un sistema político, o un sistema de toma de decisiones dentro de una institución u organización o un país, en el que todos los miembros tienen la misma participación en el poder. Las democracias modernas se caracterizan por dos capacidades que las diferencian fundamentalmente de formas anteriores de gobierno: la capacidad de intervenir en sus propias sociedades y el reconocimiento de su soberanía por un marco legalista internacional de estados igualmente soberanos. El gobierno democrático se yuxtapone comúnmente con sistemas oligárquicos y monárquicos, que están gobernados por una minoría y un único monarca, respectivamente.
Southern states received federal money, more power to govern themslaves, and a promise to with draw federal troops; as a results, southernes remained distrustful of the republicans party and solidy supported democratic candidates