There are 5280 feet in a mile
There are 3600 seconds in an hour
to get 40 miles per hour
we multiply 40 by 5280 and divide by 3600
40 * 5280 / 3600
this gets us 58.666666...
but since they want us to round to the nearest whole number, our answer would be 59 feet per second
32 students
Step-by-step explanation:
8 teams
32 students
Step-by-step explanation:
so fill in 88 where the x is so
y = 0.9 (88) - 1
y = 78.2
The first statement is correct, a company's traded shares reduces *BUT* that results in an increase in the par value or earnings per share. Same goes for a stock.
- Dysmy ☕
8 and 5 and I hate IXL ugh