bad farming practices removed the topsoil
poor agricultural practices resulted in wind erosion
That’s chipotle is something else
Postmillenialism believes...
the kingdom of God is currently advancing
On of the arguments against a pre-tribulational rapture based on 1 Thesalonians 4:15-17 is...
doesn't reference a secret coming
The New Testament clearly speaks of bodily resurrection.
Historic premillennialism believes...
there will be a literal millennium on the earth (but no pre-tribulational rapture)
Virtually all scholars believe in the rapture.
Jesus' promise of his presence to believers in the present is the same as his second coming.
Amillenialism believes...
the millennium is spiritual
There will be a future coming judgment.
A form of government that places power in the hands of a small privileged ruling class hope this helps m8
they wanted to cut out the Muslim and Italian middlemen, as the prices increased each time goods were passed from one trader to another trader, and gain direct access to the riches of Asia. this would require finding a route to the country that bypassed the Mediterranean sea