Question is which is NOT a good technique.
Answer is "B" and here's why:
A) Clear questions -- good. People understanding the question will answer accurately.
C) Large sample size -- good. Answers will be more accurate with more people asked (like if you flip a coin 1,000 times its going to be closer to 50% heads than if you only flipped it twice)
D) Random sample -- good. Avoids your own bias in choosing who to ask.
B) Push poll -- bad. Pretends to be unbiased, the pollster's real objective is to get a person thinking in a way that is to their advantage. Some political candidates do this just before elections.
The first organ that receives nutrients from the small intestine is the liver. To better understand this, check out the process flow of the digestive system up to how the liver becomes the first organ to benefit from the nutrient absorption by the small intestines. 1. Esophagus - After chewing, the food is pushed down the esophagus and then out of the esophageal sphincter, which is a ring-like muscle at the junction of the esophagus and stomach that controls the passage of food and liquid between the esophagus and stomach.2. Stomach - Swallowed food and liquid are stored in the stomach. The stomach then mixes the food and liquid with digestive juices that it produces. The mixed food and gastric juices will then be called chyme. The chyme is then slowly emptied into the small intestine. 3. Small intestine - The muscles of the small intestine mix food with digestive juices from the pancreas, liver, and intestine and push the mixture forward to help with further digestion. The small intestine has multiple parts: the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum. The ileum mix and push food towards the large intestines. Located within the ileum are villi that increase the surface area for absorption. The nutrients absorbed here are transferred to the blood stream and liver.
Wind shear can result in the formation of a tornado
Laws can be tested over and over and their results will still be the same, and laws cannot be disproved. Theories can always be disproved beause they are tested and experimented continously and results can change. Laws can't be theories but theories can be turned to laws. Hope this helps, didn't know an exact answer to that but I hope you can draw your answer from this information.