The rods originally contain the fuel for nuclear reactions, which mean they are highly radioactive. The radiation they emit is very dangerous and harmful to all types of life; therefore, they must be handled with care and disposed of properly to minimize damage because of them.
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Posted January 22
Birding: Annual bird counts include interesting lingerers
Warmer York County especially holds a range of seasonal holdovers in the Christmas Bird Counts.

The 117th Christmas Bird Count is now over. As usual in January, I will discuss the highlights of some of the Maine counts. These standardized censuses provide an important tool to monitor the abundance of winter birds throughout North America and beyond.
I’ll concentrate on changes in regularly wintering birds, the arrival of unpredictable invaders and records of lingering birds whose wintering areas are well to our south. A rarity or two may pop up as well.
We’ll start with the southern Maine coast. The York County count was held on Dec. 21. Thirty observers found 82 species of birds.
1. The 2 bases forming each rung of the 'ladder' snap apart. This is caused by an enzyme that passes along the strands, 'unzipping' it
2. Spare nucleotides (in the nucleus of the cell) attach themselves to the 'broken rungs' to repair the break. Each repairing nucleotide is identical to the broken one
3. As each 'broken rung' is repaired, two 'ladders' form, that is 2 identical strands of DNA. The 'repairing' is really the process of replica
Hope this helps!
The answer is : <span>There seems to be no evidence of </span>sexual dimorphism (sexes alike). The Cuban greater funnel-eared bat (Natalus Primus) have no evidence sexual dimorphism. Meaning they are <span>monomorphic.</span>