- Karnoven heart rate Ratio Method
Advantages : Easy to do, cost friendly
Disadvantages : can only predict the amount of maximum oxygen intake
Advantages : this test directly measures body oxygen consumption , the other tests only try to estimate
Disadvantages : Relativiely time consuming and high cost
help you remember the types and amounts of each food group you should eat . Confirm it tho
talks about his feelings and how his grandma taught him to be open
The second statement best explains the type of blood vessel and the function of these vessels' valves - <span>These are veins, which prevent the backflow of blood because the walls have little muscle to pump blood back to the heart.
Veins are large blood vessels which carry blood back to the heart. <span>Veins have a system of valves to prevent back-flow.</span>
even big pieces would cook all of them them evenly thoroughly and quicker than all the other options
hope this helps :)