Physical activity increasesthe amount of energy your body uses at rest thus maintaining a healthy weight.
Further Explanation:
Physical activity can be any sort of activity that involves the physical body of an individual. Physical activities may range from walking around in a park to weightlifting. Physical activity helps in boosting up of energy in a person and also helps in maintaining the strength and shape of the body.
Physical fitness is a state in which a person has sufficient energy in store which helps in avoiding fatigue and to have a healthy life. The body system has the ability to work together structurally and allow the individual obtain a healthy and active life. A healthy person has an ability to respond effectively to its normal life situation and in emergency situation. Sudden rise in in any kind of physical activity or force on these muscles might lead to fatigue.
During any type of physical activity, the heart rate of the person increases and thus, the body requires more energy for the functioning. Even after the person is done with the physical activity the body functions to maintain the energy levels and thus, there is increase in the amount of energy the body uses during rest. In this process, the healthy weight of the body is maintained.
Learn More:
1. Learn more about effects of vigorous exercise on cardiorespiratory system
2. Learn more about the structure of epithelium and connective tissue
3. Learn more about secondary function of the lymphatic system
Answer Details:
Grade: High School
Subject: Health
Topic: Health and Fitness
Physical activity, physical body, boosting up, strength, shape, body, human body, physical fitness, fatigue, healthy, active life, healthy weight, emergency situation.