The Sun is the energy source for almost all life on earth.
The correct statements are listed below.
Vitamins are organic and minerals are inorganic.
Organic compounds comes from living things.Vitamins generally exist as organic compounds for example all the vitamin such as vitamin A, Thiamine,riboflavin,biotin,pyridoxin,vitamin c,vitamin E, vitamin K exist as organic compounds.
On the other hand minerals are found in inorganic form for example nitrogen is found as nitrate and nitrite,phosphorus is found as phosphate group,phosphoric acid.
The correct answer is option C. Epstein-Barr virus: virus visible inside red blood cells.
The Epstein-Barr virus is a virus or virions that cause several serious diseases such as Guillain-Barre syndrome and kind of cancers. These viruses can be detected by the making smear of blood in the electron microscope.
The electron microscope shows round capsids that have protein encased genetically material that is loosely enclosed in a membrane. These are transmitted through saliva generally.
Thus, the correct answer is C.