By ringing the bell making The dog drool with the food
Since you submitted a 'problem-and-solution' essay, this would fall under 'Editorial Section' where the opinions of writers are located. Your local newspaper would place your essay on the 'Editorial' section of the newspaper. I hope this helps.
Haley is not having her need for "affiliation" met at school
Individuals vary from each other in the amount they get a kick out of the chance to connect with other individuals. A few people abstain from being distant from everyone else, put a high need on their fellowships, and make a decent attempt to please other individuals. Others are the exact inverse: They are substance to be separated from everyone else, they don't put much exertion into their associations with other individuals, and they aren't exceptionally worried about fulfilling other individuals. Henry Murray instituted the term need for affiliation to separate individuals who are by and large inviting, cordial, agreeable, and anxious to join bunches from the individuals who are threatening, held, and reserved.
When prices go up, producers produce less because they have to spend more money to buy the supplies to make the product and no producer likes to spend money
Spindle Fibers attach from opposites side from the the cell. However on duplicated Chromosomes it would be the centromere.