DNA replication is the process in which the DNA is copied and it occurs during synthesis phase of the eukaryotic cell cycle. It begins with an enzyme breaking the bonds between complementary bases in DNA which exposes the bases inside the molecules so they can be read by another enzyme and used to build two new DNA strands with complementary bases.
The original strand is: TAGCGTT
The Mutated strand is: TGGCGTT
<em>The replicated strand is: GAATCAC</em>
<em> CTTAGTG</em>
They both look correct........the first is GG which means it’ll be green and the second is Gg which means it could end up being either color therefore you can’t determine the color
Energy and homeostasis are related in living organisms because we need energy in order for our systems to stay balanced and work to keep our bodies in
All organisms must intake sufficient energy on a sufficiently regular basis to fulfill the minimal requirements of homeostasis and allowing for input energy gaps to be covered by natural energy storage mechanisms, which storage can be filled during sufficiently regular periods of excess input energy.
Cells are homeostatic; viruses are not