Aglaia represents elegance, Thalia represents youth and beauty, and Euphrosyne represents mirth.
Champlain, Samuel de. ... In 1603, Champlain made his first trip to North America, to the St. Lawrence River to explore and establish a French colony. In 1604, he returned to northeastern Canada, and over the next four years became the first to map the North Atlantic Coast.
Title: Voyage of Samuel de Champlain, 1604-1608
Author: Champlain, Samuel de, 1567-1635
Source: Champlain, Samuel de. Voyages of Samuel de Champlain. Translated from ...
a) the ohio river valley was controlled by both france and spain
George III was the King of Great Britain and Ireland during the American Revolution
Europeans wanted an water route to the orient because ships traveling from water routes could carry more goods and also water route were less costly than land routes.