when inhaling oxygen is taken in and exhaling carbon dioxide is taken out
The solution was hypertonic and that the cells had burst.
Cell division is when a cell under goes mitosis. Which divides in top to create another cell of the same kind.
In Gamete a haploid germ of either sex unites with the opposite sex to have sex and have a zygote.
The right answer is A. producer.
Phytoplankton are all cyanobacteria and microalgae (microscopic plants) present in surface waters and drifting with the currents. Unknown because invisible to the naked eye, phytoplankton is the lung of our planet. Thanks to photosynthesis, it produces more than half of the Earth's oxygen and consumes half of the carbon dioxide. Phytoplankton is essential for marine life because it is also at the base of the ocean food chain.