<em>Americans get a day off work on October 12 to celebrate Columbus Day. It's an annual holiday that commemorates the day on October 12, 1492, when the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus officially set foot in the Americas, and claimed the land for Spain. It has been a national holiday in the United States since 1937</em>
Answer: The stability that the Roman, Han, and Gupta Empires brought trade in Asia on the Silk Roads. This greatly benefited all three empires and the areas in between. Wealth and ideas passed along the trade network providing the money and ideas necessary for Golden Ages.
Its importance
The rule of law is very important for a democracy because it is in itself a democratic concept: the idea that all individuals are subject to the law, including rulers, creators of the law, and judges.
Without the rule of law, it is very hard for a democracy to flourish because its absence often implies that some people are above the law, or have more legal rights than others, a situation that would damage democracy.
Its benefits
The main benefit of the rule of law is that it gives every individual the same legal rights as everyone else. This equality before the law results in a more just society, and also results in a more developed and wealthier society, because equality before the law and property rights enforcement have been shown in many studies to correlate strongly with economic growth.
Answer: True
Inflation rate actual measures an increase in the consumer price index (CPI) which is based on average prices of various goods.
The goods which are considered under inflation are based on whether they fall under the prevalent consumption basket in that country.
The index therefore has various goods based on what goods that country consumes the most some goods are responsible for price increase whilst some for price decrease depending on how heavy does each good weigh on the overall consumption basket of that country.
A price index refers to an average price of particular good or services in a particular region at a certain period.
Cognitive rational emotive behavior therapy
Cognitive rational emotive behavior therapy is another form of psychotherapy which help a client in their self-defeating thought and feelings. In this therapy, there are challenges in rational thought and feelings. In this therapy, the therapist helps a person to change their irrational belief thought and emotions into rational thought and beliefs. This theory helps you find out how irrational thoughts distress the life of a person.
Thus here in the above context, The therapist is using cognitive rational emotive therapy to change your irrational belief, thought and emotions into rational, belief, thought and emotions.