Modern social change protests are a group of sexist and racist individuals who claim that they want to stop those things by showing those things to the "oppressors". For example, the black lives matter movement claims that they want to end racism, but if you actually look at the fact that they intentionally harm the lives of white people and advocate for racism against white people in schools and in society. The Modern feminist movement is now sexist against men, and have pushed for fundamentally sexist rules, even when women, legally have more rights than men in America. The "Anti-Facist" or "Antifa" is a terrorist organization who's entire purpose is to cause harm to anyone with a conservative mindset; this is actually written in their own description. These are examples of "social change" protests that are intentionally cause harm, but there are ones, such as the march for life, that don't cause harm to anyone; instead, they do a lot of good things.
the journalist should state that there is a correlation between alcohol consumption and breast cancer in Japanese women.
For the journalist to write an article that is faithful to the scientific article she read about breast cancer and alcohol consumption in Japan, she must write in her article exactly the information presented in the scientific article. Thus, the journalist must refer to the scientific article from which the information was taken and state the same as the scientific article, ie, the journalist must state that there is a correlation between alcohol consumption and breast cancer in Japanese women.
D- Physiological.
According to Maslows hierarchy of needs, the physiological needs are those which we require to survive, such as air, food, water, etc. The new slogan of the pharmaceutical company is featuring a survival message, whilst promoting the new cancer drug. They make them sound as if they were, according to Maslow, requirements to survive.
the answer would be C. <em>Karl Marx. </em>