Concrete operational thinker.
Dee has now become a concrete operational thinker because she has now grown to think more rationally.
This stage by Piaget is the 3rd in his theory of cognitive development. Dee is now mature enough to use logical reasoning. From what we can see, her thinking is now more concrete and sophisticated. But she can only apply this logic to physical objects.
Answer: This is an example of HINDSIGHT BIAS.
Explanation: Hindsight bias is defined as the tendency for an individual to calculate too highly the ability to have seen the outcome of an event. It is also known as the knew-it-all-along phenomenon or creeping determinism individuals here feel they already know what will happen after it has happened.
The phrase "life is lived forwards, but understood backwards." is a typical example because for an individual to understand life backwards, it must have already happened. Which is what hindsight bias explains an already occur event. More like predicting the past.
Well there's multiple holidays like banquets and had dancing, music and food.
festivals, ceremonies and traditions became an important part in the lives of many. The many rituals and festivals of Ancient Mesopotamian culture were based around rites of passage, such as birth or marriage.
I especially love the temples, The larger temples were called Ziggurats. In Mesopotamian temples there was a central shrine with a statue of a deity placed in front of the Altar so that all the congregation could see it. Worshiping the Gods is daily activity in conjunction with making sacrifices for the Gods and carrying out the Gods duties.
Mountains and bodies of water
Mountains and bodies of water protected empires as it was the mountains that served as a barrier that protected ancient China and was used as an invasion route by the Aryans into ancient India also water bodies provided agricultural facilities which helped in allowing the empires become more successful.