Could you by any chance help me with my business work?! Please go to my profile and go to the questions that have the subject business!
Answer : The securtiy of the password can be maitained by the shadow files such as:-
- max is for the days that represent that the same password can be used without the need for changing it
- min is for the days that represent waiting days before the changing of password after he/she gets a new password
- warn are the days that come with Waring sign that the password is going to expire soon.
For a certain period of time , the user can access the log in when the password has expired . If that period is timed out then there will be no log in option and the account gets disabled.
The item that you would most likely to keep in a database is a Payroll record. Payroll records are numbers and inputs/outputs of employees of a certain company. Numbers are easier to manipulate and easier to manage than statements, letters and addresses that are basically letters.