Her impact on her medical choice
humans and chimpanzees share a relatively recent common ancestor
someone else has asked the same question
Nerve cells may begin to pass messages more slowly than in the past. Waste products can collect in the brain tissue as nerve cells break down. This can cause abnormal changes in the brain called plaques and tangles to form.
Breakdown of nerves can affect your senses. You might have reduced or lost reflexes or sensation. This leads to problems with movement and safety
These are some ways how scientists and engineers develop, use and refine models.
1. Imagine. They have to know what exactly trying to model. They have to imagine and brainstorm what are the things to be considered.
2. Reason. Next, they need to answer the questions brought from their brainstorming. They need to be able to reason out.
3. Calculate and Predict. Once they know it, that's the time they can start modelling and calculate - and predict.
These are the two domains Archaea & Bacteria.