The 2010s saw more people being born than the 1950s is true
1. He claims that given the cost for England of the French and Indian War, and the benefits the colonies got from their mother-country, such as land, peace, and a forthcoming growing trade, them supporting their military forces is the least they can do.
2. His arguments are biased, as he was a British treasurer, meaning that his best interest was for the Sugar Act to be enacted. Furthermore, he didn´t seem to take under consideration that American colonists favored dealing with foreign planters.
3. The Sugar Act is a form of taxation without representation, which is not fair. Furthermore, it´s an economic threat to the development of the colonies, and therefore, a reason to envision an armed conflict.
La lógica formal es la ciencia que establece criterios rigurosos para identificar los argumentos correctos y distinguirlos de los incorrectos.
El objetivo de la lógica formal es diferenciar los conceptos de deducción de inducción, es decir, es el uso de experimentos, silogismos, investigaciones y argumentos condicionales, para formar la demostración de la verdad de un argumento en relación con otros.
El conocimiento científico es un ejemplo del uso de la lógica formal en la producción de la ciencia, ya que utiliza criterios rigurosos para obtener datos e información probados que ayuden a resolver problemas y desarrollar la sociedad.
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Jeff will most likely behave aggressively because he expects to be disinhibited by alcohol.
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) refers to the amount of alcohol mixed in a person's blood. If the BAC of a person is 10%, his blood is mixed with one part of alcohol for every 1000 parts. California government declares that .08% or higher BAC of a person as legally drunk, and driving of vehicle with the prescribed BAC level is illegal.
Jeff consumed only nonalcoholic mixer and fruit juice, to maintain the blood alcohol level to a point of the legal driving limit. Jeff behaves aggressive to the person who spills a drink on his shoes because he tries himself to stay away from alcohol.