Average speed=totaldistance/ttoaltime
40mph for 30mins (1/2 hr), travels 20mi
rest for 15min (1/4 hr), travels 0mi
swims at 32mph for 45min (3/4hr), travels 96/4=24mi
total distance=20+0+24=44
total time=1/2+1/4+3/4=1 and 1/2=3/2
44/(3/2)=44 times 2/3=88/3=29 and 1/3
about 29 and 1/3 mph
<span>Use the Pythagorean theorem for the right triangle


is the hypotenuse of the triangle;


are the other two sides.

For #1-6, I'll write down the spelling errors first, and the correct spelling in bold. #7 will have the incorrect sentence first, and the sentence with correct punctuation in italics, with the punctuation bold.
1. super sonic supersonic
2. sub marine submarine
3. sub way subway
4. super natural supernatural
5. out field outfield
6. super star superstar
7. Do you like sports. <em>Do you like </em><em /><em>sports</em><em>?</em><em />
<em /><em />For #8-16, the word in bold is the correct spelling.
8. submarine submareen submarein
9. subdivsion subdivison subdivision
10. subersonic supersonic supresonic
11. underline undeline undrline
12. outfeild outfeeld outfield
13. overcast overcas ovrcast
14. overlok overlook overlock
15. suparmarkit suprmarkat supermarket
16. overboard overbored ovarboard
Step-by-step explanation: