If you keep the positive look like are keeping healthy by exercising. When talking about your fitness level, proper nutrition, supplements, cardio, and weight training are all important factors, but it is your attitude that determines how hard you focus on each of those areas. Attitude is very important just keep your attitude positive.
you keep records then tell an adult
you should never ignore being bullied, criticizing the bully to your friends is not an option because you don't know if your friends are friends of the bully, and you should never respond to the cyberbully because responding can get you hurt
Short-term effect of nicotine is increased blood pressure
Going to base this on experience:
- daily, nightly cleaning of the store
- the use of strategically placed antibacterial sanitizer near the meat sections as well as the vegetable section.
- timed and automatic misting of vegetables to prevent the growth of bacteria
- instant reaction and response to product spills
- throwing out any unused baked/ cooked goods
- throwing out expired products nightly
- tissues boxes placed around the meat sections
- the use of strong chemicals daily to sanitize the entire store.
- workers who handle food are required to wear gloves
- if someone say cuts you a slice of meat, they have to dispose of the gloves and get a new pair to prevent cross contamination of salmonella