Independent Variable : Memory Drug
Dependent Variable : Story Quiz Score
In studying cause effect relationship between two relationships :
The causal variable leading to change in effected Variable is the Independent Variable. The effected variable being changed due to causing variable is the Dependent Variable.
So, studying : 'Memory Drug' impact - on 'Story Retention Quiz Score' implies that Memory Drug is the Independent Variable effecting Story Quiz Score & Story Quiz is the Dependent Variable being affected by Memory Drug.
If I am not mistaken, your answer is (in THIS order) recognize, pick, monitor.
The correct answer in the space provided is state. He is likely studying the state of consciousness, it is because the state of consciousness covers the awareness of a person that occurs in his or her daily life. An example of it is when a person is walking, dreaming, eating in which occurs in their everyday life.
the collective attitudes and beliefs of individuals on one or more issues.