The pathway of information through the neuron is based in the connection of axons with other neurons, favoring the conduction of information from one place to another of the nervous system. The way in which a neuron communicates with another, with a receptor or an effector is called synapse.
Neurons are the specialized cells that allow the function of the nervous system, given by the transmission of information in the form of nerve impulses. The way in which information is transmitted by neurons depends on the connection that exists between neurons, by their axons and dendrites, or between enurons and specialized structures such as receptors and effectors.
When a stimulus reaches a receptor, it connects with the neuron that carries the information by afferent pathway to the central nervous system. Once the information is processed, a response is elaborated that travels through the neurons by efferent pathway to an effector cell.
Synapses are simply the connection that exists between neurons, through their axons, or from these cells to the receptor or effector structures. Synapses are located between one neuronal axon and another, or between axons and receptors or effectors, and occur through electrical signals or chemical mediators called neurotransmitters.
The lowest and thickest layer of the atmosphere is troposphere
He would say that Lamarck's theory is wrong. Lamarck's theory stated that traits that are used are passed on to the offspring. In other words, if an organism changes during its lifetime in order to adapt to its environment, then its changes will be passed on to its offspring. This is wrong because this means that organisms pass on traits based on genetic information and not based on the environment of the offspring.
Hope this helps.
- Luis quiere saber si los cristales de yodo pueden disuelverse en distintos líquidos
- Luis necesita cristales de yodo, agua, alcohol y aceite mineral
- La hipótesis de trabajo puede ser: "los cristales de yodo se disuelven en distintos líquidos", con lo cual la hipótesis alternativa indicaría que los cristales de iodo no se disuelven
- La recopilación de los datos puede consistir en la realización de tres experimentos en los cuales los cristales de yodo son sumergidos en agua (1° experimento), alcohol (2° experimento) y aceite (3° experimento).
En el método científico, la pregunta científica refiere a una cuestión particular la cual es planteada con el objetivo de responder algún aspecto particular del mundo real. A partir del planteamiento de una pregunta científica es posible formular dos hipotésis denominadas hipotésis nula e hipótesis alternativa, las cuales representan supocisiones contrapuestas que permiten contestar dicha cuestión. Subsecuentemente, los científicos realizan experimentos y/o observaciones que permiten recopilar datos cuyos resultados son utilizados para confirmar (o rechazar) la hipótesis nula. Por otra parte, es necesario resaltar que durante el proceso de experimentación se requiere de la utilización de controles positivos y negativos que permitirán corroborar si dichos experimentos fueron realizados correctamente.