By telling them if they children
Stem cells are what allow planaria to grow and regenerate as the stem cells can change into any of the cells that make up the planaria.
ok, so if an hiv is a virus that attacks the immune system, how does that affect you?
if your immune system is weak in a moment, bad bacteria can enter your blood and cause problems and weaken your immune system even more.
its really bad for a person's health, it weakens your immune system so your body has a tougher time fighting against a virus.
<span>Soft-shell is a term that is used in the culinary field. Crabs shell softens when their exoskeleton and remain soft from the shedding. Crabbers with the knowledge of their field know when crabs are prime to catch with a soft-shell in order to keep the shells from hardening.</span>
<span>A diseases may be classified as either communicable or non-communicable. Communicable diseases are caused by pathogens who inhabit a host, man (I'm not saying man is the only host or man is necessarily the final host; there could be many host) who in turn passes the disease to another. Pathogens are viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal. There are several stages before the pathogen metamorphoses into a full-blown disease. The stages in which several events happen builds up before the pathogen affects the final host is called a communicable disease chain. There are six stages ( Pathogen, reservoir, portal of ext, mode of transmission, portal of entry and susceptible host) in the communicable disease chain but the step a nurse shouod take is
1. Destroy the second link (Reservoir) by thoroughly sanitizing the environment. Obviously, this is where the Pathogens live. If the reservoir is taken care of; there's no way they could infect the host.</span>