dude can't understand what r u talk ing about
Marie Antoinette was the queen if France and executed with her husband on January 21st 1793
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It is very controversial and has led to numerous lawsuits. An individual with a higher average is passed over for an individual who has a lower average but who is a minority person, let’s say for example, into admission into a certain college or to be hired into a certain job. This is because of affirmative action.
This term means that there are a series of policies aimed to increase the presence of minority groups in some institutions or schools. These minority groups are based on their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, or gender.
These practices or policies stem from the idea that these minority groups have a minimum representation in those institutions, companies, or schools. That is affirmative action tries to diminish the inequalities and support diversity.
The most obvious motives advanced for the socio-economic causes of Xenophobia are unemployment, poverty and inadequate or lack of service delivery which are mostly politically attributed. Unemployment constitutes a social problem pertaining to a situation of not having a job.
Those are the main impacts of xenophobia in a community
When you learn about the source of racist ideas, it helps you learn who you are. Personally, I have nothing against those with colored skin, or people from other areas. But believe it or not, there are actually souls out there that do. I think that people who have nothing against them are right. They just have different skin color, religion beliefs, etc.
Those innocent people did nothing to us, so why do we treat them in such a way..? There is nothing more hurtful than being judged by your skin color. So treat others the way you want to be treated and be kind to them. Respect everyone even if they did something to you. I think that this way, people have a different viewing of you. :) Thanks
Treat others with respect and make this world better :P