Opcion A
Para atender los impactos negativos de la crisis económica de 1929, América Latina restringió el ingreso de todos los bienes que tradicionalmente se traían del exterior. Esto se hizo para reducir la demanda de la demanda externa restringiendo así las salidas de oro y divisas de América Latina. Practicaron el sistema de tipo de cambio estándar de oro
He forced visits. thats what i got at least
D. To assist former slaves with getting jobs, education, food, and clothing.
Coartación was a system of self-paid manumission in colonial Latin American slave societies, during the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries. The Code Noir defined the conditions of slavery in the French colonial empire, restricted the activities of free Negroes, made Roman Catholicism compulsory, and ordered all Jews out of France's colonies.
Answer: Bro, this is sooooooo false
Explanation: My explanation is that it just is, and I did a quiz before and false was the answer