Indians that were born into a caste remained in that caste into their deaths therefore this statement is "true" or the first option. A caste is a social system that separates and organizes people into a certain social club which shows where they work. Starts from teachers and goes down all the way to street cleaners and the system was later prohibited by Grandi.
Hope this helps.
<span>) The population has increased because of the immigration and slaves.
2) The population grew in leaps and bounds, primarily through immigration.
3) Roads, waterways, railroads, steam boats, and refrigerator railroad cars.
4) * Changes in transportation played a big part in the change of United States.
* The change in the industry such as more factories being opened.
* Many women had made progress in doing things that men would usually do.
* Changes were made to the Constitution.
5) The 14th Amendment had defined a citizen as "any person born or naturalized in the U.S." The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, and the15th Amendment prohibits the right to vote to someone due to their race, color,or servitude. </span>
The answer is b. because she discovered a comet.
Mass-productions increased the supply of cars and prices of cars dropped
That he would return to be among the people in order to bring justice and peace.
Such a belief plus the belief of the right of Ali as the rightful successor of prophet Muhammad as the leader of all Muslims, is one of the main differences between Sunni Islam and Shi´ia Islam, differences that have proved to be irreconcilable so far. The Twelfth Imam disappeared in the 9th century.