After an extruded feature has been created, you can always go back and edit the feature. When you edit an existing extrude feature, <u>the shape of the sketch profile</u> cannot be changed from the Extrude Property Manager.
<u>Extrude PropertyManager</u>
A tool that is used to draw different sketch. The sketches are related to different fields. Extrude property manager is used to edit the sketch, delete some objects form the sketch but we cannot edit the shape of the sketch profile.
<em>In this tool we can edit every thing but cannot edit the shape of the sketch profile.</em>
- public class Main {
- public static void main (String [] args) {
- int[][] myArray = {{1,5,6}, {7, 9, 2}};
- fixArray(myArray, 1, 2, 12);
- System.out.println(myArray[1][2]);
- }
- private static void fixArray(int[][] array, int row, int col, int value){
- array[row][col] = value;
- }
- }
The solution code is written in Java.
Firstly, create the method fixArray with that takes four inputs, array, row, col and value (Line 11). Within the method body, use row and col as index to address a particular element from array and set the input value to it (Line 12).
Next, we test the method in the main program using a sample array (Line 4) and we try to change the row-1 and col-2 element from 2 to 12 (Line 5).
The print statement in Line 7 will display 12 in console.
It gives the power of setting values and using them anywhere within the coding project without declaring them again.
What is a variable?
A variable is a name that a programmer gives to locations in a computer memory where values are stored and they need to be declared before usage.
Declaring a variable means that its data type must be defined and initial value set and creating your own variables gives the power of being able to set the variable once and use anywhere in the coding project without declaring it again.
In the future, technology will most likely take over. There will be new devices that probably predict natural disasters 10 minutes before they happen. And newer, smarter artificial inteligience. Or maybe even robots. MAYBE we don't even have to worry about making money, we have robots to do it. But, that will lose many jobs. Which is the only downside.
XML - Databases. XML Database is used to store huge amount of information in the XML format. As the use of XML is increasing in every field, it is required to have a secured place to store the XML documents. The data stored in the database can be queried using XQuery, serialized, and exported into a desired format.