Qualitative methods
This is a method used by researchers to collect data when conducting a research. It focuses on obtaining data through conversational and open-ended communication. The researcher in a bid to collect data for the research uses tools such as interviews (personal or group), observations of a person, group of people, or situation, accounts, focus groups etc.
Communities operate in the context of federal and state policies that can affect local government decisions relevant to health through laws and regulations, through the allocation of resources, and by shaping political will on issues and approaches. Among the more widely recognized policies are those that fund or regulate health care delivery services. But policies in a variety of areas, ranging from education to land use and housing, the environment, and criminal justice, can be relevant to health disparities. Policies can vary significantly across geographic areas and over time in establishing priorities, providing funding, or encouraging collaboration. They can provide important opportunities or constitute barriers to promoting health equity. The policy context shapes the levers that are available to communities to address change.
It seems reasonable to assume that the better informed communities are about the implications of federal and state policy and policy changes, the greater their ability will be to respond effectively to address health disparities and help achieve change in the determinants of health. And, conversely, the more the needs of communities are considered in decision making at the federal and state levels, the more effective those policies will be. In other words, policy makers have the opportunity to lay the groundwork for community success.
(1) The couple has just one child, who is handicapped or unable to work because of non-hereditary diseases. (2) Both parents are only children themselves, and have just one child so far.
The problem with the way Great Britain and France drew borders in the Middle East was that the borders were drawn to serve the interests of the British and the French and not the local conditions.
- The British Council had given the authority of drawing borders in the Middle East to one of their efficient administrative leaders named Mark Sykes.
- The French had given the same to George Picot who was himself a renowned statesman.
- These two authorized persons marked the boundaries of the Middle East without taking into consideration any opinions of the locals.
Correct answer choice is:
He fought to unify Vietnam under a communist system.
The Viet Cong was the military arm of the National Liberation Front, the Communist Party of the Republic of Vietnam. They operated with the North Vietnamese Army, they were a relentless issue surrounded by the rice paddies and battlefields throughout the war.