Option A: Create a stronger federal government.
Water quantity is the timing and total yield of water from a watershed, and is measured by total yield and peak flow over a specified period of time. Water quality is the suitability of water for drinking, recreational uses, and as habitat for aquatic organisms and other wildlife (Neary 2002).
It is a matter of opinion, I suppose.
We need jurors, of course, but with so many people who hate it, there surely wouldn't be enough if the goverment simply allowed whoever wanted to volunteer to be the jury. I suppose that makes it sound like a burden, as it's a goverment-ordered requirement, like taxes. It is a privilege, though, if you think about it. Being selected for jury-duty means that you're a reliable citizen of America and you're trusted enough to help make a very important decision.
So, to restate my initial response, Jury duty can be seen as a duty or a burden, depending on how one views it.