Society is the common home for all which we need from birth to death and is important to live life in a very comfortable way with participation in many societal works termed as social work for which one should fulfill his duties in order to his responsibilities.
Central route to persuasion
Central route to persuasion happens when an individual is convinced by the content of the message.
Answer:b.had never been aggressive became the most aggressive after watching the violent film
Explanation:Children are most likely to be influenced to do exactly what they see being done either by their parents or by watching it on TV.
For example children who watch wrestling even though they can be told that this shouldn't be tried at home but still most of them try it on each other .
So it is very likely that even when they watch the violent film they will try to do what they saw , they may not have guns but they will try to imitate exactly what was being portrayed on the film.