<h3>Cardiovascular system: arteriosclerosis.</h3>
Arteriosclerosis is the vascular alteration characterized by hardening, increased thickness and loss of elasticity of arterial walls, which it has big importance to blood processes. That's why this disease affects the cardiovascular system.
<h3>Digestive system: cirrhosis.</h3>
Cirrhosis is a chronicle disease caused to the liver where is produced bile fluids which is necessary to digest food. So, cirrhosis affects the digestive system.
<h3 /><h3>Endocrine system: Addison disease.</h3>
Addison disease is a insufficiency of primary adrenal and hypocortisolism, which are hormones problems and a long term endocrine problem, because basically adrenal glands don't produce enough hormones.
<h3>Immune system: mononucleosis.</h3>
It's caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which is related with herpes virus, this means that mononucleosis cannot be cured, it always stay "asleep" in the body. This disease attacks the immune system, causing problems in different organs, depending on the health of each part of the body, this means that if someone has lungs problem, mononucleosis will attack there, causing some insufficiency.