Individuals of a species are not identical, Traits are passed from generation to generation, more offspring are born that can survive,and only the surviovrs of the competition for resources will reproduce.
Between one-third and one-half of all fertilized eggs never fully implant. A pregnancy is considered to be established only after implantation is complete
1) Crossing over
2) Independent assortment.
Gametes are formed resulting from the process of meiosis where the gametes get half of the original number of chromosomes. One phenomenon that happens during the prophase 1 of Meiosis and leads to the genetic diversification is crossing over. In this process , Here, homologous chromosomes pair up and exchange information present on genes from one another. When information is exchanged, it leads to the diversity of genetic data.
The second way of increasing genetic diversity is independent assortment that takes place during metaphase 1. In this process chromosomes from both father and mother cells align on equatorial plate of the cell in an independent manner. This means that some gamete can have 1 of many different chromosomal combinations.
This reshuffling of chromosomes during independent assortment enhances the genetic diversity of any organism and this also explains why kids of same parents can look or behave very different.
Hope it help!
Coloring is important to survival because it could be bright as in a warning or camouflage so the animals arent easily spotted
The correct answer is the growth of the offspring to adulthood.
A life cycle is illustrated as the stages of development, which take place during the lifetime of an organism. A life cycle ceases with the death of an organism. Generally, the animals and plants go through three fundamental stages in their life cycles, beginning as a seed or fertilized egg, developing into an undeveloped juvenile, and eventually turning into an adult.
During the stage of adulthood, a species will reproduce, forming a new generation. A life cycle can constitute more than three fundamental stages on the basis of the species. For example, the life cycle of a human being comprises five main stages.