A.) Temporal lobe is important for hearing....
Oceanography. Geology. Astronomy. Meteorology.
It is the process where by plants manufacture their own food by using raw material such as carbon (iv) oxide, water and sunlight.
Carotenoid, any of a group of non nitrogenous yellow, orange, or red pigments (bio chromes) that are almost universally distributed in living things. There are two major types: the hydrocarbon class, or carotene, and the oxygenated (alcoholic) class, or xanthophylls. Synthesized by bacteria, fungi, lower algae, and green plants, carotenoids are most conspicuous in the petals, pollen, and fruit (ex: carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and citrus fruits) of the flowering plants.
Just because you are deferant dose not mean that your baby wourld have to turn out that way.