B. Marbury v. Madison
Marbury v. Madison can be regarded as an icon that helps to give more strength to the federal judiciary through the establishment of power of judicial review, these is a medium whereby there could be declaration of
legislation by federal courts as along with executive as well with administrative actions and the inconsistent that is associated with the U.S. Constitution and therefore null and void.This judicial review which was supreme Court case, can be regarded as one that was strengthen in 1803 by
Marbury vs Madison, this can be explained as how the courts are been given power so they can make law as well as other amendments which are regarded as been on violation of United States constitution
In 1714, Dutch scientist and inventor Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit invented the first reliable thermometer, using mercury instead of alcohol and water mixtures. In 1724, he proposed a temperature scale which now (slightly adjusted) bears his name.
B. Sails
The Egyptians were among the first to use sails on their ships to improve transportation.
<span>There are "two" morphemes in the word chimps.
A morpheme is the littlest grammatical unit in a dialect. At the end of the day, it is the smallest meaningful unit of a dialect. The field of study committed to morphemes is called morphology. A morpheme isn't identical to a word, and the main difference between the two is that a morpheme might not be seen as alone, though a word, by definition, is freestanding.
Wundt, Wilhelm Max first laboratory <span />