they reflect her respect and love for her country and her desire to see it be run well in a democratic nature
A very important issue that was social and cultural was concerning beliefs that were widespread, is that White Americans saw themselves as superior in the distribution of land and that Native Americans had no rights. This was coming from the racial hatered towards the Natives who were percieved as uncivilized and that they should move and make space for the white civilization. To testify this, we have the Indian Removal Act brought by president Jackson after the Creek war.
Defense of Marriage Act of 1996. National Healthcare Reform Act (Obama care). The recent legalization of marijuana by the states if Washington and Colorado. These pieces of legislation reflected the conflict between the old legislation and the current demands of the population. It also means a generational conflict. New demands are being put on the political agenda. A conflict of the ways of thinking reflected in the rights established by law for the organization of life in society.
Many had their homes looted, ransacked, and burned. They lost all their livelihood, wealth, and possessions. Some had to continually relocate their families to keep them safe. All knew the great risk to life and still signed the Declaration.