The production is all mutation process governed by man, which seeks to create a product, with the help of production factors that are the resources used to create goods, the main factors of production are: capital, work and the earth. It can also be called production not only to the development of a new product, if not, to evolve or modify an old one, that is to say, giving a new use to an artifact is part of producing some element. The main function of the production is the creation of satisfiers to calm our needs.
1.- The term agricultural producer is a term used as a qualifying adjective to designate a type of economic activity that is based on the production of mainly food from farming and livestock.
2.- Dairy producers: The dairy industry is a sector of the industry whose raw material is milk from animals (usually cows).
The correct answer is option C: The speech must present a clear and identifiable danger.
For speech to be control in a sense it has be a threat that can create a danger to various people.
It’s either A or C but my best guess is A because it’s about natural resource and oil
Poor grades, financial problems, roommate problems
A stressor is an environmental condition, or a physical state in an individual which causes stress in that person. Stressors are the conditions or the events in the surroundings which helps to trigger stress.
In the context, according to the expert, a college student state that poor grades of the student, his financial problems and various problems of one's roommate gives stress in the student's life. These are the stressful events which causes stress to a college student during an academic year.
To prove frauds, we need to show that <span>The innocent party relied on the wrongdoer's representation.
If the accused in fraud case represent true representation despite the negative effect that experienced by the accuser than the court will rule that the accuser just make a really bad business decision rather than being scammed.</span>