The circulatory and respiratory systems interact to transport carbon dioxide to the lungs, where it is expelled from the body.
Carbon dioxide produced by the cells and tissues during cellular respiration is removed from the body through the interaction of the circulatory and respiratory system. The medium of transport of carbon dioxide is the blood which carries to the lungs, where it is expelled from the body in ordernto maintain homeostasis in the body.
Carbon dioxide molecules are transported in the blood from body tissues to the lungs in three ways:
1. Dissolution directly into the blood - due to its greater solubility in blood than oxygen, carbon dioxide is dissolved in blood plasma. On reaching the lungs, it leaves the blood by diffusion and is then expelled out of the body.
2. Binding to hemoglobin - carbon dioxide binds reversibly with haemoglobin in the red blood cells to form a molecule called carbaminohemoglobin. When it reaches the lungs, the carbon dioxide freely dissociate from the hemoglobin and is expelled from the body.
3. Carried as a bicarbonate ion - the majority of carbon dioxide molecules are carried as part of the bicarbonate buffer system. In this system, carbon dioxide diffuses into the red blood cells. The enzyme carbonic anhydrase within the red blood cells quickly converts the carbon dioxide into carbonic acid (H2CO3) which then dissociates into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions. The bicarbonate ions leaves the red blood cells in exchange for chloride ions in the plasma. The bicarbonate ions then travel in plasma to the lungs, where they enter the red blood cells again. It combines with hydrogen ions from the haemoglobin to form carbonic acid. Carbonic anhydrase breaks carbonic acid down into water and carbon dioxide which is then expelled from the lungs.
Answer: C. Preying
A non-native species is the species which is introduced to a new ecosystem. This species is introduced intentionally or accidentally to a new ecosystem by human beings or they may enter to the ecosystem by their own.
A non-native species can be invasive which means it can compete with the native species for resources like shelter, food and mates.
According to the given situation, the Gila trouts being the native species has been affected by the non-native Rainbow trout. This may be because of the fact that non-native species can be invasive for the native species. As the species is used as mate by the non-native species and they may become the prey of non-native species. This has resulted in the extinction of the species of Gila trouts.
Due suitable environment and high productivity.
More fish are supplied by fish farming rather than from traditional because farms are build in order to harvest more fish by providing suitable environment to the fish. In transitional ways, fish are caught in nets from the rivers by local people for theirselves and the extra will sold in the market. In rivers there are less number of fish which does not meet the requirements of people so that's why commercial farming of fish can be done.
All the energy comes from the sun. a small amount of sunlight energy is trapped by green plants and used in photosynthesis to form organic materials in plants that are sources of food to the rest of the animals. Animals get this energy when they feed on plants directly like the herbivores or indirectly like the carnivores.
People living nearby steep cliffs can impact them in
different ways, the people nearby will affect them into having a decrease area
available to grow crops as it is dangerous to even grow crops in areas like it,
another thing is, there will be an increase of landslide hazard as they are in
a steep cliff. Having steep cliffs are dangerous and will only cause them a