It is True that potential investors, in analyzing the profit potential for a distressed property, generally consider a financial framework including the acquisition phase, the holding period phase and the disposition phase
Acquisition is the process of gaining ownership or control of a real estate. It is usually sold by brokers to investors.
In the case of distressed property, there is always a holding period
Holding periods are usually targeted at 2-5 years, during which the asset that has been acquired is renovated.
The end of the holding period transitions to the beginning of the disposition phase.
During the disposition phase, the real estate which could be a distressed building is being disposed or handed over to the owners. At this phase, complete documentation is done and handed to both parties to endorse.
A comprehensive financial framework detailing all the expenditure across the acquisition phase, holding period and the disposition phase must be in place in order to get an accurate calculation of expenditure data to used in analyzing the profit potential of a property.
The Answer is A Paying attention to detail I just took the Apex test
According to Anne Roe’s personality theory of career choice, people choose occupational fields based on their <u>need structures</u>, which were influenced by the childhood environments that they experienced.
Anne Roe’s personality theory of career choice was well explained in her book <u>“Psychology of Occupations”</u>. There are certain factors that influence in deciding the career of a person. The factors are psychology, biology and sociology of a person.
Individuals decide their field of work based on their demands and needs. The childhood experience may also influence the occupation field of the person. Need structure provides the requirement of the person according to their lifestyle and requirements.
Inside the Production Possibility Frontier.
PPF is a curve that shows the various combination of 2 goods that an economy produces when resources are fixed. Thus, any point or bundle inside the production possibility frontier shows inefficiency in the production while the point on the production possibility frontier shows the efficient production from the available resources. But, the point outside the PPF exhibits a non-achievable point.
A compute the company’s net sales for the year