The original purpose of the 'constitutional convention' was to edit the 'Articles of confederation' but they decided to recreate new 'governmental system'
The 'Constitutional convention' was the great consequence occurred in the United States Constitutional history. This was held in the year of<em> 1787, May 14 to September 17 in 'Philadelphia', Pennsylvania</em>. The delegates decided to create new government but officially, <em>the convention had to be revise the existing 'Articles of confederation'. </em>
From <em>May 14 to July 14</em> the convention took series debate over fifteen points of the <em>Virginia plan this was proposed by Madison</em> to upgrade the 'Articles of confederation'. <em>The 'committee of the Whole' </em>didn't agree anything hence the 'Committee of Detail' was to handle the drafting process. 'constitutional convention' was adopted on <em>1787 September 17</em>.
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The Definition For Nigerian Scam:
"A scam where the sender requests help in facilitating the transfer of a substantial sum of money, generally in the form of an email. In return, the sender offers a commission, usually in the range of several million dollars. The scammers then request that money be sent to pay for some of the costs associated with the transfer. If money is sent to the scammers, they will either disappear immediately or try to get more money with claims of continued problems with the transfer."
The longitudinal lines represent the local time and the prime meridian represents GMT. India follows its local time which is known as IST (Indian Standard time). Every longitude line is 15o apart from each other and for every 15, there is a time lag of two hours.
Machines, women working, and products?.
There is not a lot of solid information on Osman I who established the Ottoman dynasty around 1300 CE. He was the hereditary leader of a small principality in Anatolia.