Bacteria capsule contain poly-γ-d-glutamic acid and also possesses antiphagocytic properties .
Gram positive cell wall peptidoglycan.
Fimbriae contain adhesin which make them to attach to a base and counter shear force and obtain food.
Pili contain oligomeric proteins which is hair like structure.
Endospores consists of DNA, ribosomes and dipicolinic acid.
RIBOSOMES consist of ribosomal RNA and proteins.
Plasmid consist of circular DNA.
Plasma membranes consist lipid bilayer.
Urbanization has changed literally everything over the years from the environment being destroyed little by little but also it effects water pollution and by factories being made puts a bunch of terrible greenhouse gasses that are not healthy to breath in.
mark this as best if helps
The diaphragm is the large flat muscle. hope that helps :)
Condensation goes from a gas to a liquid and precipitation is when it rains
B ~ You cannot tell if someone was touching your hand
Hope this helps! ^^